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Putting Lipstick on a Bad Day

On those days when the world is swirling around us and everyone in our proximity seems to want a piece of us, the default is to sacrifice ourselves for everyone else and dismiss our needs. We put our heads down and plough through as best we can, thinking we will eventually find a moment to breathe.

I have come to find that if during those days I take a step back and steal 10 minutes to put myself together, things begin to feel a little easier.

Whether it’s being stuck at home with kids crazed from cabin fever on a snow day while trying to finish an important work project; or dealing with a to-do list so long it's giving you heart palpitations and then having your boss asks for something to be done immediately; or being knee-deep in clutter at home that must be cleaned up before you make dinner and sort out a mix up with your insurance company—it can all feel better with the right outfit and some blush.

If you have kids, make sure you leave them somewhere safe (babies in their cribs or playpens; older kids in their rooms if their furniture is secure) and let them know you will return in ten minutes.

Take those ten minutes to put on your favorite lounge outfit—something that is both comfortable and flattering. It helps to have a few options ready at hand so you always have something to pull on even if most of your clothes need to be washed. Run a brush through your hair and pull it back into a cute ponytail or pretty bun. Apply your five-minute makeup face, maybe some tinted moisturizer, cream blush, a lip tint and mascara. Then, put on some perfume, preferably an essential oil that also has therapeutic properties and helps balance your energy.

If you are at work, steal five minutes to redo your hair, freshen up your makeup, and apply some fragrance. If you have a few more minutes to spare or you have a work colleague who is willing to help, do a coffee run and get your favorite hot drink.

It’s a bit like putting lipstick on a pig—the pig is still a pig and the bad day will remain a bad day. But, when you are surrounded by chaos and you feel deflated, there is something about seeing your face perked up by blush and a bright lip; feeling comfortable in your clothes and knowing they also flatter you; and catching a whiff of a comforting scent when you move that shifts something on the inside. It helps you stand a little taller and feel a little more empowered to deal with the madness.

What little tricks to do employ to help you get through bad days?

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